SELECT code_activ,nom_activ,tarif_activ from ACTIVITE ORDER BY nom_activ DESC; SELECT code_activ,nom_activ,tarif_activ from ACTIVITE WHERE tarif_activ between 2000 and 3000; ou SELECT code_activ,nom_activ,tarif_activ from ACTIVITE WHERE tarif_activ >= 2000 and tarif_activ<=3000; SELECT nom_adh,pren_adh,ad_adh,vil_adh,dat_nais_adh from adherent where ad_adh like "*Med V"; SELECT nom_adh,pren_adh,dat_nais_adh from adherent where year(dat_nais_adh) between 1970 and 1979 ORDER BY dat_nais_adh ; SELECT nom_adh,pren_adh,vil_adh,dat_nais_adh from adherent where vil_adh="Casablanca"; SELECT nom_adh,pren_adh,vil_adh,nom_activ FROM ADHERENT AD, ACTIVITE AC WHERE AD.code_activ = AC.code_activ ORDER BY nom_adh,pren_adh ASC; SELECT nom_adh,pren_adh,vil_adh,nom_activ,tarif_activ,mont_entr, tarif_activ+mont_entr as somme from adherent ad ,activite ac ,ville v where ad.code_activ = ac.code_activ and ad.code_ville= v.code_ville order by tarif_activ+mont_entr desc; SELECT sexe_adh,count(sexe_adh) from adherent group by sexe_adh; SELECT vil_adh,count(vil_adh) from adherent group by vil_adh; SELECT nom_ville,count(nom_ville) from adherent ad,ville v where ad.code_ville= v.code_ville group by nom_ville; SELECT nom_activ,count(nom_activ) from adherent ad,activite ac where ad.code_activ= ac.code_activ group by nom_activ; SELECT nom_ville,sum(tarif_activ+mont_entr) from adherent ad ,activite ac ,ville v where ad.code_activ = ac.code_activ and ad.code_ville= v.code_ville group by nom_ville; SELECT nom_activ,sum(tarif_activ+mont_entr) from adherent ad ,activite ac ,ville v where ad.code_activ = ac.code_activ and ad.code_ville= v.code_ville group by nom_activ;